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Showing posts from October 26, 2014

Testimony of David Ireland

My earliest memories of the Gospel message were not in Sunday school or in Church because my family were not churchgoers let alone Christians. The Currie Primary School, which I attended, allowed workers from the Child Evangelism Fellowship to come in regularly and present the Gospel of saving grace to the children of Tigers Bay in North Belfast, and this was my earliest exposure to the Gospel. It didn’t really get through to me at the time because although I understood much of what the people were saying about God, Jesus, Heaven and Hell I thought that I was a good boy who, although not perfect, did just about everything my teachers and parents told me and therefore I would surely go to heaven if I died? Then after some time a trip to Kilkeel was arranged by C.E.F. for several days and many of the children, including me were excited by the prospect of staying away from home with friends and by the promise of a trip packed with fun and games. Of course central to the

Testimony of Athena Davis

My name is Athena and I would like to share my story with you.  At the age of 2 my mother who was 20, died quite suddenly, as a result of this my grandparents stepped in and despite their grief at the loss of a daughter, they brought me up.  I had a happy childhood, I was loved, looked after and all my needs where met, my Grandparents became like my parents. I went to church every week, with my granda, but I got bored of church and didn't return, I wasn't aware that I needed to receive forgiveness for the wrong things I had done.  Until I started to go to a church youth club on the Shankill Road, here I heard about how I could have Jesus as my Saviour and Friend, by saying sorry for the wrong I had done and asking Jesus to be Lord of my life.  At 16 years of age I asked Jesus to forgive me and from this point on I put my trust in my Saviour, my closest friend - Jesus. At 18 I headed away on holiday to Spain with my family, whilst in Spain, great tragedy hit our family agai

The Bondage of the Will

Serial Number 044 The Bondage of the Will By: Charles D. Alexander A paper given at a conference commemorating the 450 th anniversary of Martin Luther’s nailing of 95 Theses on Indulgences on the door of Wittenberg Castle Church, 31st.October, 1517. The conference, ‘Luther’ was held at Birches Green evangelical Free Church, Birmingham, England on 28th October, 1967.   I On 1st September, 1524, the printer Froben of Basel published a small book. The book was in Latin, the Language of the scholars. It had been written by Erasmus of Rotterdam, the Renaissance scholar, probably the most highly educated man in Europe, whose knowledge of the Classical authors and languages was unsurpassed. His new book was one which he had been pushed into writing in order to show his allegiance to Pope and Church. You see, it was a polemical book directed against the teaching of the upstart monk, Martin Luther. The title of Erasmus’ book was “A Discussion Concernin