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Showing posts from February 5, 2012

The European Convention on Human Rights

The preamble to the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA) describes it as ‘an Act to give greater effect to rights and freedoms guaranteed under the European Convention on Human Rights’ (the Convention). To understand the HRA you need to know something about the history of the Convention. The Convention was drafted after the Second World War. British lawyers and civil servants were heavily involved in its drafting. The United Kingdom (UK) signed up to the Convention in 1953 and was one of the first countries to do so. In all, 45 countries have now signed up to the Convention including most of the east European, former communist countries and several countries that were once part of the Soviet Union. The countries that have signed up to the Convention make up the Council of Europe. The Council of Europe is quite separate from the European Union. The Convention is divided into ‘articles’. Articles 2 to 14 set out the rights that are protected by the Convention. Over the years...

What Did Jesus Preach?

The predominant focus of mainstream Christianity is the undeserved crucifixion of Jesus Christ , and the subsequent forgiveness of sins that is available through accepting that sacrifice. While this selfless act was and is unquestionably momentous, and its effects exceedingly far-reaching, many would be shocked to find out that the Bible defines the gospel differently than what they have always been told. A thoughtful reading shows that accepting Christ's blood in payment of our sins—as foundationally important as it is—is actually not the focus of the "good news" that He brought and that the apostles continued to preach. In addition to dying for our sins, Jesus Christ came to earth as a messenger from God the Father: Behold, I send My messenger [ John the Baptist ], and he will prepare the way before Me. And the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple, even the Messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight. Behold, He is coming," say...

Light of Eternity: The Life of Leonard Ravenhill

Publisher: Free Grace Press ( Binding: SMYTHESEWN CASEBIND Demensions: 6" x 9" Pages: 660 Book Weight: 2-lbs Language: English Bulk Order?: Please email ( “My father lived daily in light of eternity, always seeking to please the One who enlisted him as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. Before he ever stood in the pulpit, he stood before God. He was a man of prayer. Prayer was his life and his preaching reflected the fact that he had been alone with God.” DAVID RAVENHILL It is titled In Light of Eternity: The Life of Leonard Ravenhill Mack Tomlinson says this about the legacy of Ravenhill: In Light of Eternity...Ravenhill’s Biography – A Great Book for those seeking God Few are raving about a wonderful book I just read “In light of Eternity” The Life of Leonard Ravenhill by Mack Tomlinson....truly a masterpiece to be cherished and a goldmine of spiritual gems and inestimable treasures.  I have often ponder...

Testimony of Billy Shannon

As I think of the words of the choir singing, he knew me, yet he loved me, when he was on the cross I was on his mind”. Yet reflecting back, I believe yes Jesus had me on his mind. Jesus had me on his mind when I was born a month premature and lost a lot of weight, so much weight that I was christened in hospital. My parents and the doctors thought I might die. Jesus had me on his mind when my appendix burst when I was eight years old, and I had to be rushed to hospital to have them removed. As a young boy I can remember my parents bringing me to Church every Sunday morning. During the morning service the children were ushered into the Sunday school. For many year’s I went to Sunday school, told many stories of Jesus, but I never learned of God’s saving grace, and salvation. It was during my childhood when I was around ten years old that my sister started going to an after church meeting on a Sunday evening at a Church on the Shankill Rd. I always asked her to go, pr...

Testimony of Faith Johnston

Hello, my name is Faith/“smiler”/“bubble“, this is my testimony.. so far! I was born into a God believing household. When I was 1 year old my dad ,a policeman, tragically died.. this left my mum alone with 3 little kids all under 5years old. I don’t remember much of that time as I was so young, but I do know that God was carefully watching over and protecting our wee family…He is a Father to the fatherless and a Husband and Comforter to the widow! Exodus 22v22”Thou shalt not afflict any widow, or fatherless child”. We where sent along to Sunday school in the Free Presbyterian church, I praise God for that time, and for the faithful Christian teachers we had there!! We also went to church there, and also a little Sabbath school on Sunday afternoons and then attended the CWU hall after church on a Sunday night.. our Sundays where very busy, but very happy times!! The Faith Mission used to have meetings in halls around where we lived aswell, and mum used to take us to them...

Testimony of Anne Irvine

Hello my name is Anne and thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ I have a testimony. I was brought up in Belfast and my Mum and Dad were not saved, but they still sent me to Sunday school. I used to go with a friend. I can't really remember much about Sunday school, only that at harvest time the church was lovely with lots off flowers and fruit. From an early age I knew there was a God but I didn't know Him personnally. As a teenager growing up in the 70's it was a scarey place. I used to follow the crowd, drinking and going wild. I believe Gods hand was on me even then, because many times I could have been in danger but He delivered me. I was married at 19 and by the age of 30 I had three children. I worked in a bar as a waitress and also had a cleaning job. I was busy with life, but very lonely. I had friends, family a good husband and three lovely children but I was so lonely inside. One day a couple of Christian neighbours called to my door and they witnessed t...

Testimony of George Irvine

My Story for Christs glory I grew up in an average working class family in Belfast N.Ireland in an average working class estate called Westland Drive. In many respects I was fortunate because many of my friends were Roman Catholics and as far as I was concerned the only difference was the fact that they went to a different church than I did. This fact meant nothing to me as long as we could play together and fight together, as all kids do, so what! these where my Primary school years and nothing existed except the moment. I make mention of the fact that religion is a major factor for our present situation in N.Ireland and because of our siege mentality. For many generations it has been the catalyst for our so-called troubles and we cannot seem to get past this barrier. My Christian Faith has given me the eyesalve to see past this barrier and realise that they are only nametags, if we go up to heaven they drop off, if we go to hell they burn of. According to GOD'S...

Testimony of Glynis Corbett

First of all I would like to thank, the Lord Jesus Christ, that I have a testimony to give, of His saving grace and keeping power in my life. And to also thank Billy Shannon for asking me to write out my testimony. On the 10th June 1984 at Belfast City Hospital, I had a baby girl by section who weighed 4,15lb. I named her Amanda Jane, she was transferred to the Royal Victoria Hospital for sick children to the intensive care unit were she was very well looked after. The doctor who was over her at that time, his name was Dr Wiltey, who also was a christian. There also was a very special nurse who looked after Amanda Jane, her name was Margaret. While Margaret was on holiday, Tuesday the 28th June, My daughter Amanda had died. This was a very sad time for me, as i went into depression and would not leave my home. Among other things my life was not the same after this. I always knew there was a God, but did not know He could be so close to me. I had a photo of ...

The Testimony of Julia Morrison

The Testimony of Julia Morrison My name is Julia & I want to tell you what the Lord has done in my life. I was born into a Christian home & my family attended a Gospel Hall outside Castlewellan, Co. Down. I loved attending the Sunday School & have precious memories from those days. Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it". The Gospel Hall always had special meetings, which were great to get the locals in to hear the Gospel. Mr Hedley Murphy, a well known evangelist, was the speaker at one of them & many people were getting saved at these meetings. One night Mum & dad were driving home from the meeting & they were talking about the number of people getting saved. Unaware to them I was listening to every word in the back seat of the car. When we got home, I said to my mum that I wanted to get saved too. So Mum simply said, "Ask Jesus into you heart & He will ...

Joe Phillips A testimony of GOD'S mercy and grace.

Truly a sinner saved by GOD'S grace. Saved on the 8th August 2004, I can never thank the LORD enough for that day. A day that I can identify as becoming a child of GOD. A day in my life that the turn around was complete, a day of no going back to the things of my past... Praise the LORD. Only recently was I asked by a brother in the LORD for my testimony, a brother who had attended the new converts class the same time as myself... I was somewhat taken unaware and hesitantly said I would take it to the LORD in prayer. He told me that someone, somewhere was just waiting to read what the LORD has done for me... so here goes. I pray all I write is pleasing to my LORD and my SAVIOUR. My name is Joseph Phillips (Joe) born March 1954 into a catholic family. I have three older brothers and two younger sisters (all presently unsaved) whom I love dearly. My mum was a protestant but changed to a catholic so that she could marry my dad. I grew up on a small farm where money...

Testimony by Thomas Harron

My name is Thomas Harron and this is my testimony. I was saved on the 19 July 1998 in the Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle Church Belfast, under the ministry of Pastor James McConnell a man that I have grown to respect and love over these years under his ministry. My testimony did not begin on the night I was saved , when I look back to my youth I realize that if it had not been for GODS Grace through HIS beloved SON The LORD JESUS CHRIST I don't know where or what state I would have been in today . As Christians we have two testimonies. The first GODS Grace before we where saved, in that our previous life did not consume and destroy us before the glorious moment of our salvation through our SAVIOUR THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. And secondly HIS keeping GRACE in that he has promised never to leave us nor forsake us, HIS HOLY Word tells us HE is the Alpha and Omega the Beginning and the End, our life in and through GODS SON our SAVIOUR THE LORD JESUS CHRIST is comple...

Testimony of Pamela Gaston

This is the story of how Jesus Christ has changed my life. It’s the story of my search for peace, contentment, satisfaction and purpose in life - a journey that started off in church trying to do the right thing, then a took me into the heart of the club scene and culminated when I had a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ in all His power and glory and realised that I could experience the reality of a daily walk with Him. In a sense, while I was ‘searching’ for something, all along He was searching for me and drawing me to Himself! Beginnings I grew up immersed in the church and was taught about God. When my best friend became a Christian I realised that if Jesus Christ came back again (as He promised to do), that I wasn’t ready to meet Him and I’d be left behind. That troubled me and soon after I asked Him to come into my life, aged 7. I became involved in the church, doing my best to attend all the meetings, read my bible and pray, teach Sunday school etc. ...