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Showing posts from March 22, 2009
The Law of God, principles of life To help us live, not give us strife To show how far, from God we are; Our life of sin, to God we’re sour! He came to earth, from the glories of heaven A life like His, the Father has given To follow Jesus is’nt mankinds,s goal You can profit the world, yet lose your own soul. His hands, His feet, the spear in His side Was his broken heart, for us He died! My life I had, was not suffice But His life alone, the ultimate sacrifice. Oh the love, why Jesus died? For my sins, He was crucified For my sins, He hung on that tree From death to life, He pardoned me. Then one day, the world will stand All hidden sins, will be His command He’ll Judge you of the sins you did! If you havent repented, the sins you thought were hid. O the Judge, the charge is given The shame you had, the same is given To confess His name, you did not do? Now He’s doing the same to you! Jesus in Robes, King of Kings in Glory The price He paid, Salvation His story! Worthy is the Lamb, t...

What is the Gospel?

By Dr. Lorraine Boettner The Gospel is the good news about the great salvation purchased by Jesus Christ, by which He reconciled sinful men to a holy God. The purpose of this booklet is to set forth, in plain language and in terms easily understood, the basic differences between the Calvinistic (Reformed) and Arminian understanding of the Gospel, and to show what the Bible teaches concerning these subjects. An accurate understanding is crucial; the harmony that exists between the various doctrines of the Christian faith is such that error in regard to any one of them produces more or less distortion in all the others. There are in reality only two types of religious thought: the religion of faith, and the religion of works. The author is convinced that what has been known in church history as Calvinism is the purest and most consistent embodiment of the religion of faith, while that which has been known as Arminianism has been diluted to a dangerous degree by the religion of works and ...