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Showing posts from April 12, 2015

Easter Poem/Spoken Word‏ by Mark Johnston

  Crowds in adoration  Cheered Jesus' name in celebration  Were Now watching his humiliation  So much can change in one week  A future so bright was now so bleak  In front of Pilate he wouldn't even speak  By his own people hated  He stood quietly and waited  The people were going insane  But they weren't calling his name  They wanted Barabbas released for his chains What on earth was going on in their brains But Jesus was willing to take the strain and the pain  For you and me  He gladly watched Barabbas walk free  In silence he showed complete humility  Pilate felt so guilty  That accepted no responsibility  He lived a life that was mistake free  And it had been anything but easy  He took every temptation that I could ever foresee  He took agony So that I could have mercy  Not once did he sin  Or ever give in  ...