Leaving the Jehovah's Witnesses and coming to Christ My upbringing was not particularly religious. My father was Church of England, though I never knew him go to church, but he did believe in God. My mother was in the Salvation Army and attended fairly regularly, I went occasionally. But no attempt was made to give me any religious teaching. My father had to give up work through ill health, so family life was a bit of a struggle back then in the early 1960’s. My mother died when I was 16. I had an older brother and sister but they lived away from home. Because of the family situation, it just being my father and myself, as soon as I left school I had to get a job. so any plans for further education went out the window. I suppose I embarked on the usual things for a young man going out drinking etc, with friends. Strangely in our sessions in local pubs we often discussed God, why are we here, where are we going, the usual ques...
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