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Showing posts from June 25, 2017

For Valour 100 year anniversay 1914-1918

   The 4th. August 2014 will mark the centenary of the commencement of World War l , (The Great War), which ended on the 11th of November 1918. The two words used as the title at this tract, are to be found inscribed on the highest award of the British Armed Forces: The Victoria Cross.    William Harold Coltman (known as Williain or Bill) was born on the 17th fi November l891 in the village of Rangemore outside the town of Burton on Trent. He attended the local village school, becoming a gardener and was known in his community as a humble rnan. Yet this small (5ft.4”) unassuming man was later to be described at the time as the rnosi highly decorated non- cornrnissioned officer at the British Army. Among the rnedals awarded to hirn were; Military Medal and Bar/Distinguished Conduct Medal and Bar and the highest award at all the Victoria Cross, each being awarded as a result of: outstanding bravery, a disregard for personal satety and an unque...

The Qurán Testimony

WHY WRITE THIS TRACT? The Qur’an says, “For those who conceal that which We sent down of clear scriptures and admonitions, after we have revealed them to the people in the Scripture; those God will curse, and the cursers will curse.” (Sura ll:159) God commands in the Bible saying: “Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed ...Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet...Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Isaiah 6:9, 58:1; Mark 16:15) For this reason, we feel the obligation to share with you the truths of God. THE MUSLlM'S BELIEF The average Muslim believes that the Bible has been tampered with; thus it was altered or changed. in this tract, it will be proven to you that the Bible could never have been tampered with. Both history and the Qur’an testify to that fact. THE HISTORICAL PROOF The historical proof lies in this question: Was the Bible changed before or after Mohammed? Of course, the Bible could never have...