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Showing posts from May 6, 2012


Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” These are amongst the most well known words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and they also summarize a vital and practical theme in Scripture, that of coming to Christ. Today we are going to ask what the Bible means by these words, words that are terribly plain and simple. If men are weary and burdened because of their guilt then there is one essential response that God requires of them and that is that they come to his Son Jesus Christ. “Too simple,” you protest, but we are simple people. God’s word is not aimed at theologians, or intellectual high flyers, or any elite, or at religious extremists. It is for all kinds of men and women, illiterates, peasants and slaves, for every kind of person. There is one great word that God brings to all men, “You must come to my Son and then life will begin.” Hear the promises that Jesus makes to those who obey the word and come to him; He that comes to Jesus s

The Old Evangelicalism: Old Truths for a New Awakening

    Hardcover: 240 pages     Publisher: Banner of Truth (September 2005)     Language: English     ISBN-10: 0851519016     ISBN-13: 978-0851519012     Product Dimensions: 0.9 x 0.7 x 0.1 inches The Old Evangelicalism: Old Truths For A New Awakening By Iain Murray, Banner of Truth Trust, 2005, 226 pages Reviewed by Mack Tomlinson It is always very profitable to read any book by Iain Murray. This one is no exception. Every minister or Christian worker should read everything he has ever written. Accordingly, I could wish that every preacher, pastor, missionary, and Christian worker could have this newest title placed in their hands. The Old Evangelicalism consists of addresses Mr. Murray gave at various conferences around the world over the last thirty years. Particularly, the content which made up these messages consists of a number of fundamental truths that deal with doctrinal and experimental subjects related to the great themes of salvation and the gospel. What truths are we speak