“Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.” (Proverbs 27:6) There is a common belief today that preaching on sin is no longer necessary. The thought is that sinners come to church loaded with guilt, and we need to help them realize God’s love rather than point out their wickedness. I was once told by a church leader that, if I walked into the house of a Christian and found a pornographic magazine on his coffee table, I shouldn’t say anything. After all, it isn’t my place to “judge”. I should just let the Holy Spirit convict him. But how does the Holy Spirit convict? He does so by the preached Word (Romans 10:14). Nowhere in Scripture do we find the man of God sitting silently waiting for the Holy Spirit to convict a sinner through some mystical experience. Instead, we have time and again sinners being convicted by the preached Word, either in a corporate setting, or even in person. We have Samuel rebuking Saul, Nathan rebuking David, John the Baptist rebu...
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