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Showing posts from March 15, 2015

Testimony of Noreen Hughes

My name is Noreen Hughes.  I am married to Jim Hughes . I have two teenagers Rebecca and Paul. They both love God and Rebecca wants to go to Bible College. My life as a Christian is good and I still have a strong faith in God although recently Jim’s health has got bad which is difficult for us. However, it’s through these times that I have discovered that God’s timing is perfect and I must remember not to rush ahead of things. Growing up I liked anything to do with Church, although I didn’t fully understand the work of Grace in my life until I was faced with challenges beyond my control. My first major challenge came when I left School and I wasn’t too sure what was going to happen. At this point of my life I remember praying to God and asking for help. It was in 1984 that I went to Floristry College and obtained a diploma in Floristry. During my course I had to do a work placement and I decided to go to London. Whilst in London I shared a house with several girls and one o...