Revival in the Church, Do We Need It?/Is It Biblical? Far from being experts on revival, it nevertheless seems rather strange to us that modern-day revivalists proclaim that "God is going to be bringing a great revival in these last days, characterized by a new and powerful working of the Holy Spirit." Yet the Bible says that God's plan for the last days is the Great Apostasy, characterized by all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs, and wonders (2 Thes. 2:3, 6-10). Is God really bringing revival, or is what we see happening now that which will culminate in the greatest delusion of all time (vs. 11)? We believe the latter, and what is commonly called "revival" today, is not at all different from the revivals of yesteryear -- a religious carnival show steeped in mysticism and rampant emotionalism. The question that must ultimately be answered with respect to revival is this: "Is it proper (i.e., is it Biblical), to pray for and seek revival in the...
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