Back in the 1920's Frank Cockren, then secretary of The Open-Air Mission, wrote a pamphlet - challenging and encouraging preachers of the gospel not to confine their invaluable ministry within the four wall of their churches. Such challenge and encouragement are needed even more urgently today. In fact, since far fewer people attend church in 2007 than they did back then, outdoor or open-air preaching is even more vital. This abridged and updated version of the pamphlet is offered not to offend or discourage, but with the sincere desire that many needy sinners will hear the glorious gospel and,by the Grace of God, be saved. Is there not a large portion of our population who never hear the gospel? We are no longer moved by the statistic that over 90% of the population Never attend church. But move us it surely must! If those who know the joyful sound are blessed, then the overwhelming majority know no such blessing. If Christ came to call sinners to repentance, no ...
Evangelism Outreach Gospel Christian Protestantism Witness