A vital question You've just picked up a tract, and there is a question that you must ask yourself: "What if I died today?" Here is a simple reason for asking it -- the Bible says: "it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment' (Hebrews 9 v 27). If you refuse to face up to the truth and prefer to be vague about the answer, you are in great danger because you will meet God after you die. Will it be as a Father who will welcome you into his house, his home, or will it be as a Judge who will condemn you without appeal? Where you spend eternity will depend on what you decide today. God cannot look at the sins that people commit -- including your sins -- without judging them. From heaven above, He sees that you don't do what pleases Him; you live to please yourself; you do your own thing whether it pleases Him or not. As a result, He regards you as spiritually dead because of your sins and your wrong doings. ...
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