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Showing posts from March 7, 2010


The last and dreadful day has come (Acts 17:31), The trumpet loudly sounds (1 Corinthians 15:52)! The sleeping millions in the earth Rise from the quaking ground! O fearful sight! Where can I hide (Revelation 6:16)? What doleful wails I hear (Matthew 24:30)! The moon turns now to bloody red (Revelation 6:12), The stars fall from their sphere (Revelation 6:13; Mark 13:25)! The isles and mountains flee away (Revelation 16:20), The sun-it will not shine (Revelation 6:12). My eyes behold Christ Jesus come (Luke 21:27; Revelation 1:7), To judge the works of time (Revelation 20:12)! No place to hide! I care not now what people think Or if they hear my cries. My money and my pleasures, too, Have vanished with my pride. Down on my knees I fall, and then (Romans 14:11) Confessing Christ as "Lord of all" (Philippians 2:11) - I have no stubborn, proud heart now, O hear the Great Judge call! Too late to pray! My sins are trailing my poor soul (1 Timothy 5:24) Up to...

Why I Preach on the Streets Copyright © 1998 James L. Melton

Our church makes it a regular habit to preach on the local publick streets. Our nation’s Constitution grants us FREEDOM OF SPEECH, so we exercise our freedom by preaching God’s word to the general publick. No other church in our county does this, so people naturally write us off as a bunch of fanatics. A few others show their appreciation for our ministry, yet they never preach publickly themselves. Nevertheless, we continue to preach the word and distribute Gospel literature, and we do so for some very good reasons... God’s Word Commands Street Preaching Public ministry is not a matter of choice or preference. God’s word clearly tells us that public ministry was a regular part of early Christianity. In Luke 14:23, we are commanded to "Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled." Paul told the Ephesian elders in Acts 20:20, "And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have showed you, and have taug...