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Showing posts from December 22, 2013

o u t r e a c h

by Bishop J.C. Ryle "Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11v28. The text which heads this paper is one which deserves to be written in letters of gold. The Speaker of the invitation before you is the greatest and best Friend that man has ever had. He is the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God. He is One who is almighty. He is very God of very God. He has all power in heaven and earth - He has the keys of death and hell. He is now appointed Mediator between God and man: He will one day be the Judge and king of all the earth. When such a One as this speaks, you may safely trust Him. He is One who is most loving. He loved us so that He left heaven for our sakes, and laid aside for a season the glory that He had with the Father. He loved us so that He undertook to pay our mighty debt to God, and died upon the cross to make atonement for our sins. When such an One as this speaks, He deserves a hearing. When He ...

Why I am a Christian by Margaret Harvey

It's been one of those days, and it's only 10:30am. I always think that I'm the only one on those days, everyone else has it together, but not me. I don't have it together. Anyway, there's been a number of people over the years who have famously written about why they are or why they are not a Christian. I've had it in my heart for a while now to get in on that. So here goes... When I was growing up I got the message that if I got it right, I was good, and if I got it wrong, I was bad. Everything seemed to be about performance in one way or another. Home was like that, school was like that, church was like that, and I could never seem to get it right. I was that kid that people were always telling to hurry up. Hurry up! What are you waiting for, Christmas! And as time passed and things happened, I found myself on my own a lot, emotionally though not physically abandoned. I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me, that's not why I do ...