Our subject is, Where will you spend eternity? You will find the text John 16 v5, "Whither goest thou?"Jesus Christ was about to leave this world, He told the disciples that He was going, but none of them asked Him where He was going. He reproved them for not asking. Well He might, for the most important question that can face any man when he comes to leave this present world is "Where are you going?" First of all, Remember that thereis an eternity. That is certain. We may try to shut our eyes to the fact, but the fact stands. Look ahead - you may live five years, ten years, twenty years. But then what? The fifty years wll soon be gone. Then what? ETERNITY! On it styretches before us, on and on and on. Never ending centuries will roll on, ages roll on, but still eternity stretches on and on, It will stretch on forever, never any nearer to an end. Oh, thank God for eternity! If I knew I were to live a thousand years it would no...
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