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What if you died today?


A vital question
   You've just picked up a tract, and there is a question that you must ask yourself: "What if I died today?"  Here is a simple reason for asking it -- the Bible says: "it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment' (Hebrews 9 v 27). If you refuse to face up to the truth and prefer to be vague about the answer, you are in great danger because you will  meet God after you die. Will it be as a Father who will welcome you into his house, his home, or will it be as a Judge who will condemn you without appeal? Where you spend eternity will depend on what you decide today.
   God cannot look at the sins that people commit  -- including your sins -- without judging them. From heaven above, He sees that you don't do what pleases Him; you live to please yourself; you do your own thing whether it pleases Him or not. As a result, He regards you as spiritually dead because of your sins and your wrong doings.
   Do not try to find ways to justify yourself. Do not pretend that you have never done anything wrong. Do not imagine that you will ever be able to make God change His mind about your sinful state. What does matter, is the way  that He looks at things; and not the way that you think about them.
What do you have to do then?
Firstly, you have to accept God's view of yourself. That you are a sinner because you sin, and scripture teaches that the wages of sin is death (Roman 3.v23) His judgment which will separate you from Him for all eternity.
   Then, you have to realize that you cannot save yourself: your own efforts will never satisfy God because they come from a sinful source  that God cannot accept. The proof of this is in the Bible" "through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned." (Romans 5. v12).
   There is no salvation in man. It can only be found in Jesus, the Christ who came to the world to save sinners. He took the place that you deserved when He died on the cross for you. The Bible says that "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6. v23) and the sin that made him suffer on the cross for your sin. He paid the price by dying for you, bearing your guilt, because God in His goodness wants all men to be saved and come to repentance.
   Be humble enough to accept your condition as a sinner, and value of the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus on the cross. His blood was shed so that your many sins might be cleansed. Today, His blood has the same power -- it is your decision whether you accept this offer the He died for you. "For God so loved the world, the his give His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3. v16).
Tomorrow: eternal life
What's more, is this promise is made to you: eternal life is now for all those who come to the Lord Jesus. He said: "He who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come to judgment, but has passed from death to life" (John 5. v24). With accepting Jesus, the Christ you will have a living hope and be absolutely sure that if you die today, He will receive you to Himself. Now is the day of salvation, Jesus will either be your Saviour or Judge..


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