Many years ago in Bethshan Church we did a musical called
“The Great Adventure” and one of the songs had the lyrics
Saddle up your horses, we’ve got a trail to blaze
Through the wild blue yonder of God’s amazing grace
Let’s follow our Leader into the glorious unknown
This is the life like no other, This is the Great Adventure
Called to an Adventure
1. Out by God in His great plan for us all. It is indeed a Great Adventure.
Sometimes not understanding where we are going or why things are
happening in our lives, but knowing God is in complete control of every
2.You made the most important decision of your life when you chose to
receive Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord. At that moment, you
were born into God’s family, and you received everything you need to
live the abundant Christian life.2.
3.But that does not mean you are as spiritually mature as someone who
has walked with Christ for many years. The Christian life is a process
that begins with an act of faith and is lived by faith.
Five Principles of Christian Growth
This lesson deals with five principles of Christian growth. The first two,
We Must Study God’s Word, and We Must Pray, help us deepen our
relationship with God. This could be called our vertical relationship.
Through the Bible, God communicates to us; through prayer, we
communicate with Him.
The next two principles, We Must Fellowship with other Christians,
and We must Witness for Christ, help us reach out to others. This
could be called our horizontal relationship. In fellowship, we
communicate with other Christians about our Saviour and the
bond He gives us with one another. In witnessing, we communicate
with non-Christians. We tell them about Jesus, what He has done
for us, and what He desires to do for them.
Principle Five, We Must Obey God, is the core of growth. As we
obey Him, we experience increasing joy, peace, and fellowship with
the Lord Jesus Christ and fellow believers. We also become
increasingly more mature in our Christian walk.
If you follow these principles, you can be sure that you will grow
toward maturity in Christ.
Principle 1 – We Must Study God’s Word
James 1:22-25 says: ‘22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so
deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the
word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his
face in a mirror 24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and
immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 But whoever looks intently
into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not
forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed
in what they do.’
1 Peter 2:2 says: ‘Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk,
so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.’
Matthew 4:4 says: ‘Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not
live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth
of God.’
Principle 2 – We Must Pray
Have you ever considered that you have immediate access to the
most powerful Person in the universe? Whatever you need,
whatever the time, you can call upon Him. His calendar is
cleared to be with you. His schedule is open for your
appointment; His full attention is devoted to you.
Prayer is the inspiring experience of conversing with, and
praising God as our loving, heavenly Father. Few
experiences can equal prayer in empowering us and
lifting us above our problems. But prayer is not just an
‘escape hatch’ for us to get out of trouble, please ourselves,
or gain our selfish ends. Rather, it is inviting Him to talk to
us as we talk to Him. There is more to prayer, but this is
basic to true prayer.
Matthew 26:41 says: ‘Watch and pray so that you will not
fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.’
1 Thessalonians 5:17 says: ‘Pray continually.’
John 14:13-14 says: “13 And I will do whatever you ask in my
name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You
may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”
Principle 3 – We Must Fellowship with Other Christians
Hebrews 10:23-25 says: ‘23 Let us hold unservingly
to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.
24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on
toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting
together, as some are in the habit of doing, but
encouraging one another—and all the more as you
see the Day approaching.’
Acts 2:42 says: ‘They devoted themselves to the
apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking
of bread and to prayer.’
Principle 4 – We Must Witness for Christ
A witness is a person who tells what he has seen and heard.
He shares his own personal experience. Anyone who has a
vital personal relationship with Christ can be a witness for Him.
Witnessing is the overflow of the Christian life. A vital
Christian life is contagious. As our lives are filled with the
presence of the Lord Jesus, we cannot help but share Him
with those with whom we come into contact.
Romans 1:14-16 says ‘14 I am obligated both to Greeks
and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish.
15 That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel also
to you who are in Rome. 16 For I am not ashamed of the
gospel, because it is the power of God that brings
salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew,
then to the Gentile.’
I am obligated; I am so eager to preach;
For I am not ashamed of the gospel
Acts 1:8 says:‘But you will receive power when the
Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses
in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the
ends of the earth.’
Principle 5 – We Must Obey God
Romans 6:14-18 says: ‘14 For sin shall no longer be
your master, because you are not under the law, but
under grace. 15 What then? Shall we sin because we
are not under the law but under grace? By no means!
16 Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to
someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one
you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads
to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?
17 But thanks be to God that, though you used to be
slaves to sin, you have come to obey from your heart
the pattern of teaching that has now claimed your allegiance.
18 You have been set free from sin and have become slaves
to righteousness.
Matthew 6:24 says: ‘No one can serve two masters.
Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you
will be devoted to the one and despise the other.
You cannot serve both God and money.’
Matthew 22:37 says: ‘Jesus replied: “Love the Lord
your God with all your heart and with all your soul and
with all your mind.”’
John 15:10-11 says: ‘10 If you keep my commands, you
will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s
commands and remain in his love. 11 I have told you
this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy
may be complete.’
Philippians 2:13 says: ‘For it is God who works in you to
will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.’