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Chasing the Dragon Jackie Pullinger

Chasing the Dragon: One Woman's Struggle Against the Darkness of Hong Kong's Drug Den   Jackie Pullinger

 Until it was pulled down, the Walled City was Hong Kong's most foreboding territory. It was a lawless place, dominated by the Triads, and which the police hesitated to enter. Strangers were unwelcome. Drug smuggling and heroin addiction flourished, as did prostitution and pornography, extortion and fear.
When Jackie Pullinger set sail from England in 1966 she had no idea that God was calling her to the Walled City. Yet, as she spoke of Jesus Christ, brutal Triad gangsters were converted, prostitutes quit, and Jackie discovered a new treatment for drug addiction: baptism in the Holy Spirit.

 One of the most powerful books I have ever read and I feel that whoever reads this book will not come out the same. The story of Jackie Pullinger's missionary work is humbling, miraculous, and beautiful. She was a lone 20 year old baby-believer without a missionary society behind her, jumping into a mission field of prostitutes, gangs, and drug dealers. Though the 'Walled City' in Hong Kong, a semi-anarchic settlement, presents incredible challenges, she sees Jesus come through time after time in miraculous provision and circumstances, healing miracles, deliverances, and Salvation. That being said, there is quite a pentecostal fervor in this book and most of the testimonies in this book about deliverance from drugs and criminal lifestyles include the use of praying in tongues. If this does not line up with your theology, this book will be challenging. What is undeniable, though, is the love of Christ shown in every page of this book. Like Heidi Baker says, (who I believe was mentored by Pullinger) love looks like something. It looks like sacrifice. It looks like laying yourself down. It looks like giving it all away. Even for just one soul. In Jackie Pullinger's life, this can be seen very clearly.


 Product details

  • Paperback: 272 pages
  • Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton; Rev. ed. edition (16 Feb. 2006)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0340908807
  • ISBN-13: 978-0340908808


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