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Emma's Story-

   At one minute past eleven o'clock on the morning of
Wednesday 15th October 2014, a tragic car accident on a small
country road just outside Coleraine claimed the life of Emma
Scott. She was just 17 years old.  This is her story of
eternal hope the result if getting onto the road to Heaven! It
is a story which Emma would wanted you to know.

     The Downward Road

   Emma started along the road if life on Wednesday, 28th May
1997, in Ballymoney, when she was born into the family of
Richard and Sally Scott. As her parents are Christians, they were
keen that Emma and their two older children, Christopher and
Victoria, should hear the Gospel. This message of the love of
God has transformed many lives and changed eternal destinies.
Although Emma lived a good life and never caused any trouble,
The Bible teaches that she was born a sinner and needed her
sins forgiven in order to be in Heaven. God's Word states that
'there shall in no wise enter into it (Heaven) anything that defiled." 1
Emma needed to understand that, just like everyone else, she
was born on the downward road leading to Hell and the
judgement of God . 'For there is no difference for all have sinned,
and come short of the glory of God 2

   The upward road

   Emma knew  the Gospel message and perhaps appeared to
others to be a Christian.  However she had never repented of
her sin and trusted the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, for he 
said, 'I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the
Father, but by me3  In February 2013 Emma attended gospel
meetings in Buckna, near Broughshane. At these she heard the
text, 'As I live said the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of
the wicked, but that the  wicked turn from his way and live  turn he,
turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die?4 Emma realized
that she was not a Christian! At 2am on Tuesday, 26th March
2013,  having read in the Bible that the Lord Jesus 'wounded
for our transgressions, (and) bruised for our inquities, 5  Emma
trusted Him as her Saviour in her bedroom at Risky Park,
Aghadowey. She simply accepted that on the cross Christ died
for (her) sins.6  At that moment Emma started on the upward
road leading to Heaven. Later Emma underlined the Bible text
Thy faith hath saved  thee, go in peace, and next to it wrote, 'The
verse that gave me assurance!'

   The Onward Road

   From that time Emma lived to prove the reality of her faith. On
Saturday; 13th April 2013, shortly after her salvation, Emma,
along with her sister, Victoria, and two other young people, was
baptised by immersion. A large crowd of people witnessed
these four teenagers obey the Lord's command in Killykergan
Gospel Hall, near Garvagh. The next day Emma was received
into fellowship at Moneydig Gospel Hall where she became
very involved in the Sunday School. At the end of 2013 Emma
started going out with Neil Moore, a teenager from Buckna. As
Neil and Emma were both Christians they looked to the Lord to
guide their future. Emma was keen to make onward progress in
her Christian life and be used by God.

   The Everyday Road

   In her everyday life Emma was very enthusiastic and had two
beautiful Labrador dogs, Molly and Lily. For Christmas 2009 she
was given a pet donkey, which she named Holly. Over the
years Emma also had a variety of other pets, hens, ducks, and

   As a young child, Emma attened D.H. Christie Memorial
Primary School in Coleraine and then transferred to Dunluce
School in Bushmills. Both staff and teachers spoke highly of her
Janice Williams, Secretary of D.H. Christie Memorial Primary
School, remembered her as a very capable office prefect, and a
lovely, lovely girl, a ray of sunshine, who was sparky,
effervescent and fun, but could be trusted with anything.

   Liz McIlveen, Vice Principal at Dunluce School , related that
Emma was creative and artistic; all her work was beautifully
presented with attention to detail. However, it was her cheerful
disposition, her positive attitude and helpfulness that we will
remember the most. She was a girl that could be relied on, a
pupil who was always pleasant and courteous. She approached
each day the same - with a smile on her face.

   Upon leaving school, Emma took up employment in the family
business of Sydney B. Scott and Sons, where she was always
cheerful, greeting customers and friends with her ready smile
and a friendly 'hello'. Her keenness and enthusiasm in her
telesales job was infectious to all who met her or spoke to her.
It was, however, what she did for God that brought the greatest
pleasure to Emma.

   The Useful Road

   From the moment she turned to Christ for salvation Emma
desired to be useful to and used by God in bringing family and
friends to hear about the Lord Jesus as the only means of
salvation. Having passed her driving test on 4th September
2014, Emma was able to use her little red Mini ti bring children
to hear the gospel.  Like the apostle Paul in the Bible, her 'hearts
desire and prayer to God [was] that they be saved'

   The last two weeks of her life saw her taking two children to
two series if children's meetings in Ballyintagh and Portrush
for three nights each week . As Emma sat with the children she
would help them by whispering answers to questions, as well
as give a friendly pat on the shoulder to those who were a little
too boisterous! One chorus that they sung every night in those
meetings was titled 'Eternity, Eternity'. The children's attention
was drawn to three words that occur once in the Bible -
'Eternity', 'Calvary', and 'Coffin'. It was pointed out that when
we are in our coffin', where we will spend eternity is
determined by what we do with the Lord Jesus who died on
Calvary's cross! Little did anyone know that within six days of
the last children's meeting dear Emma's body would be lying
In a coffin. Emma however, is safe for eternity in Heaven
because she trusted in Christ who died at Calvary. When we are
placed in our coffin the only thing that will matter is if we like
Emma , have had a definite moment when we trusted Christ for

   The Road to Heaven

    On the morning of Wednesday; 15th October 2014, Emma left
work at Loughanhill Industrial Estate at around 10.50 in
order  to attend a dental appointment in Ballymoney, scheduled
for 11.30. However as she drove  her car along the Cloyfin Road
and turned right onto the Creamery Road, she was unaware
that her destiny would not be to see her dentist but her
Deliverer - the Lord Jesus! Halfway along that road at 11.01.
Emma's soul was transported in an instant from the overcast
skies of Coleraine to the cloudless splendour and golden street
of Heaven. Today Emma's family and Christian friends rest in
The certain knowledge that Emma is in Heaven where there is
fulness of joy (and) pleasures for evermore'

   At the funeral service  held at Killykergan  Gospel Hall, approximately
one thousand mourners paid their respects to the lovely young lady whose
 short life had touched so many . It is hoped that as you read this story of
her life you too will have been touched, not just with Emma's life but more
importantly that you come to know her Saviour - the Son of God, the Lord
Jesus Christ - your Saviour too.Emma's Story

1.Revelation Ch21v27
2. Romans Ch3v22 & 23
3.. John Ch14v6
4. Ezekiel Ch33v11
5.Isaiah Ch53v5,6
6.1st Corinthians Ch15v3
7. Luke Ch7v50
8.Romans Ch10v1
9.Psalm 16v11


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