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Where will you spend eternity? By Dr, R. A. Torrey

  Our subject is, Where will you spend eternity?
You will find the text John 16 v5,
"Whither goest thou?"Jesus  Christ was about to
leave this world, He told the disciples that He
was going, but none of them asked Him where
He was going. He reproved them for not asking.
Well He might, for the most important question
that can face any man when he comes to leave this
present world is "Where are you going?"

   First of all, Remember that thereis an eternity.
That is certain. We may try to shut our eyes to the
fact, but the fact stands. Look ahead - you may live
five years, ten years, twenty years. But then what?
The fifty years wll soon be gone.
Then what? ETERNITY!  On it styretches before us, on
and on and on.

   Never ending centuries will roll on, ages roll on,
but still eternity stretches on and on, It will stretch
on forever, never any nearer to an end.

   Oh, thank God for eternity! If I knew I were
to live a thousand years it would not satisfy me. I
would always be thinking of the end of that would
come some time. I an glad that as I look out into
the future I see an eternity that has absolutely no
end. There is an eternity.

   In the second place, REMEMBER YOU MUST
time will never come when you cease to exist.
You willbe somewhere throughout all eternity.

   Remember in the third place that the question
vastly more important thatn the question of
 LIFE. Suppose I am taking a day'sjourney to a
place where i will spend forty years.Which is the
more important the comfort which I have as I
travel or the comfort which I have when I get
there? This life is a day's journey to an endless

   The next point to conssider is that IT iS POSSIBLE
ETERNITY. Jesus knew where He would spend eternity,
 He said, Í him that sent me;"(John 16 v5). Paul
knew where he would spend
eternity. He said, "For me... to die is gain." (Philippians 1 v23).

accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour you will
spend eternity with Him. If you reject Jesus Christ you
will spend away from Him. Listen to the sure Word of God,
'He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he
that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the
wrath of God abibeth on him.'

   Listen again,"This Lord Jesus shall be revealed from
heaven with his mighty angels, in flamingh fire taking
vengence on them that know not God, and that obey not the
gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall be punished with
everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and
from the glory of his power;"(2Thessalonians 1 v7-9). Where we
spend eternity will bedetermined by what we do with Jesus Christ
in his present life.

   There is an eternity and we must spend that eternity
somewhere. The question of where you will spend
eternity is vastly important than the question of where
you will spend your present life. It is possible for us
to know where you will spend our eternity; it will
be in one of two places. Where we spend eternity will
be settled in this present life andc will be determined
by what you do with Jesus Christ. My Friend, where are
you going?




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