Crowds in adoration
Cheered Jesus' name in celebration
Were Now watching his humiliation
So much can change in one week
A future so bright was now so bleak
In front of Pilate he wouldn't even speak
By his own people hated
He stood quietly and waited
The people were going insane
But they weren't calling his name
They wanted Barabbas released for his chains
What on earth was going on in their brains
But Jesus was willing to take the strain and the
For you and me
He gladly watched Barabbas walk free
In silence he showed complete humility
Pilate felt so guilty
That accepted no responsibility
He lived a life that was mistake free
And it had been anything but easy
He took every temptation that I could ever
He took agony
So that I could have mercy
Not once did he sin
Or ever give in
The punishment he withstood
For hours on that piece of wood
I have never understood
And I never will or ever could
Because that is my rightful place
My sin makes me a disgrace
But We can rejoice in His grace
Even though We are filthy
He tells Us we are not guilty
I can't even begin to count the cost
That was on that cross
When he died it must have seemed like all hope was lost
But just imagine the look in the soldiers eyes
As they see the Son of God rise
Or Imagine the surprise
when the disciples heard Jesus is alive
Even with a nails in his hands
Things were exactly as he planned
Jesus goes to war sword in sheath
Shows His righteous dying beside a thief
Taking our pain and grief
All to give us relief
And our sin is where is his body lay
In that tomb is where our sin will stay
Easter isn't just about Friday
it's about Sunday
We can rejoice because one day
We are gonna be a place far away
Above this fray
No more pain or strife
Because this is true life
This true relationship
this is true love
To give it all to the God who is above
All he asks is for complete surrender
nothing this world offers is even a
We may be vulnerable but God is our defender
So Easter is the time of celebration
When we remember the vibration
That shook a dark nation
The earthquake as the ground began to shake
Because the Son of God was dead but now the Son of God
is awake