Every Christian an evangelist
There is nothing colder than a Christian who does not work for the salvation of others. You cannot use poverty as an excuse; the widow who threw in her two small coins will accuse you Luke 21:2-4.
Peter said, "Silver and gold have I none" Acts 3:6. Paul was so poor, he often went hungry and lacked even necessary food Philippines 4:12. And being lower-class by birth is no excuse either. The apostles were obscure men from obscure families. Or are yiu uneducated? That is no excuse. The apostle were illiterate Acts 4:13. Are you weak in body? That is no excuse. Timothy was a person who suffered from frequent illnesses 1 Timothy 5:23. Everyone can serve his neighbour if only he is willing to play his part.
Look at the tree which bear no fruit. See how strong and majestic and smooth and tall they are. But if we had a garden, we would Mich rather have pomegranates and fruitful olive trees. The tall fruitless trees are pleasing to the eye but they are of no practical use, or very little. They are like people who are concerned only about themselves. Such people are fit for burning! (At least the trees are useful for shelter and making houses out of them.) Such self-centred people were the foolish virgins, who were chaste, discreet and self controlled, but did not serve others Matthew 25:1-13. Therefore they were delivered over for burning. Such also were those who did not feed Christ Matthew 25:41-46. Christ does not accuse them of personal sins, adultery, swearing falsely, or anything like that; He merely accuses them of not being of any practical service to others. Such a self-centred person was the man who buried his talent Luke 19:11-28. His private life was spotless - but he never served his neighbour. How can such a person be a Christian? I ask you, if you mix leaven with flour but it did not make it rise, would it still be leaven? If a perfume did not fill a room with fragrance, would we still call it perfume?
Don't tell me "It is impossible for me to influence others." If you are a Christian, it is impossible for you NOT to influence others! Just as the elements that make up your human nature do not contradict each other, so also in this matter - it belongs to the very nature of a Christian that influences others. So do not offend God. If you say, "I, a Christian, cannot be of service to others," you have offended Him and called Him a liar. It is easier for the sun not to shine than for a Christian not to do so. It is easier for light itself to be darkness than for a Christian not to give light . So don't tell me it is impossible for you as a Christian to influence others , when it is the opposite which is impossible. Do not offend God. If we arrange our affairs in an orderly manner, these things will certainly follow quite naturally. It is not possible for a Christian's light to lie concealed. So brilliant a lamp cannot be hidden!
The spreading of the Christian gospel by preaching or personal witness.
Zealous advocacy of a cause.
There is nothing colder than a Christian who does not work for the salvation of others. You cannot use poverty as an excuse; the widow who threw in her two small coins will accuse you Luke 21:2-4.
Peter said, "Silver and gold have I none" Acts 3:6. Paul was so poor, he often went hungry and lacked even necessary food Philippines 4:12. And being lower-class by birth is no excuse either. The apostles were obscure men from obscure families. Or are yiu uneducated? That is no excuse. The apostle were illiterate Acts 4:13. Are you weak in body? That is no excuse. Timothy was a person who suffered from frequent illnesses 1 Timothy 5:23. Everyone can serve his neighbour if only he is willing to play his part.
Look at the tree which bear no fruit. See how strong and majestic and smooth and tall they are. But if we had a garden, we would Mich rather have pomegranates and fruitful olive trees. The tall fruitless trees are pleasing to the eye but they are of no practical use, or very little. They are like people who are concerned only about themselves. Such people are fit for burning! (At least the trees are useful for shelter and making houses out of them.) Such self-centred people were the foolish virgins, who were chaste, discreet and self controlled, but did not serve others Matthew 25:1-13. Therefore they were delivered over for burning. Such also were those who did not feed Christ Matthew 25:41-46. Christ does not accuse them of personal sins, adultery, swearing falsely, or anything like that; He merely accuses them of not being of any practical service to others. Such a self-centred person was the man who buried his talent Luke 19:11-28. His private life was spotless - but he never served his neighbour. How can such a person be a Christian? I ask you, if you mix leaven with flour but it did not make it rise, would it still be leaven? If a perfume did not fill a room with fragrance, would we still call it perfume?
Don't tell me "It is impossible for me to influence others." If you are a Christian, it is impossible for you NOT to influence others! Just as the elements that make up your human nature do not contradict each other, so also in this matter - it belongs to the very nature of a Christian that influences others. So do not offend God. If you say, "I, a Christian, cannot be of service to others," you have offended Him and called Him a liar. It is easier for the sun not to shine than for a Christian not to do so. It is easier for light itself to be darkness than for a Christian not to give light . So don't tell me it is impossible for you as a Christian to influence others , when it is the opposite which is impossible. Do not offend God. If we arrange our affairs in an orderly manner, these things will certainly follow quite naturally. It is not possible for a Christian's light to lie concealed. So brilliant a lamp cannot be hidden!
The spreading of the Christian gospel by preaching or personal witness.
Zealous advocacy of a cause.