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Tesdtimony of Ian Crothers

I was asked to give my testimony on the 17th March 2013 Saint Patrick’s Day.
I had recently listen to CD reflecting on the story of his life, and what struck  me was the opening line,
He said “I Patrick a sinner.  This reaffirmed the scripture from Romans 3:23
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God"
So now let me introduce myself, hello my name is Ian Crothers a “sinner”.
I didn’t come from a Christian family background, but like many others I was sent to Sunday school, and only reason I attended Church because it was a  requirement if you wished to be selected for the Boys Brigade football team.
As a teenager I had no real interest or time for God, all I wanted to do was play Football, it was my life, nothing else mattered, then drinking and gambling came along, while all the time thinking I’ll be okay because deep down I wasn’t really a bad person As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: Romans 3:10 . Then in August 1999 came under conviction, with the burden that something was missing in my life and how God had been more on my mind. The next opportunity to the surprise of my wife I went to Church, a few weeks later I gave my life to the Lord.
My favorite passage from the Bible is from Matthew 19:26
“With men this impossible; but with God all things are possible.”
In June 2011 this meant so much to me, especially as my brother lay seriously ill in the Royal Victoria “High Dependency Unit”. The severity of the situation was explained and how they done everything possible, I would like to thank everyone at Living Hope Church for all their prayers and support, but it’s to God I give all the Glory, as David made a full recovery, which astonished all the medical staff “PRAISE GOD”.
Shortly before my Mother passed away I spoke her about how she needed Christ in her life, and she accepted and asked the Lord to be her personal Saviour. Today I pray my wife and all my extended family and friends will come to know Jesus Christ and how with God all things are possible.
1.    The Word (Bible)      2. The Leadership         3. The Fellowship

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves:
it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast
(Ephesians 2:8-9)


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