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How to Share the Gospel

Have you ever felt intimidated to share the Gospel, afraid of what people may say, think about you, or even ask you? Fear not. At Fish Comix, we’ve developed an Evangelism Map to help guide you as you share the gospel. Although not all conversations are going to be exactly the same, the Evangelism Map serves as a guide to get you where you want to go: in the position to ask a person to accept Jesus.

The following are steps to remember when leading someone to Christ. Questions will be asked along the way and topics may go into tangents, especially in steps 2-4; so, it is always good to have a central path to follow.

1. Fish
Seek friends or make friends with people who are interested in spiritual things, such as love, philosophy, religion, Jesus, God, etc. Once you find someone who is interested, you can deepen the conversations you have.

2. God
As you converse, see if the person believes in God. This will be the grounds on which the conversation will be built on. If the person doesn't believe in God, it would be rather difficult for one to understand the need for spiritual forgiveness. Thus, if one doesn't believe in God, explain why He does exist, such as the existence of conscience, guilt, religions in general, Intelligent Design, Irreducible Complexity, flaws in evolution, etc. If they do, then you can skip the explanation and move on to the next step.

3. Bible
Now that you know they believe in God, do they believe that the Bible was written by Him? This is important when explaining the Gospel. If they don't believe that the Bible is actually true, then they are less likely to believe in the Gospel. Thus, If they don't believe that the Bible comes from God, then you can begin to present a few proofs, such as internal consistency among 40 different writers, impossible prophecies fulfilled, archeological supports, scientific facts written therein, and more. Once convinced or if they do believe that the Bible comes from God, then you can move on to the next step, the meat of the conversation.

4. Gospel Elements
Now that you know they believe in God's existence and His authorship of the Bible, you can now dive in to explaining how the Gospel works through the Gospel elements such as sin, judgment, good works, punishment, atonement, etc. This step is one of the most difficult because you are near in challenging the person to accept Christ. They know where you are going but they may try to find excuses not to accept, such as why this, or why that, or I'm not like this, or I'm not like that, etc. Answer all inquiries as best you can, how Jesus would. And if you have no answer, don't be afraid to tell them the truth; let them know that you will follow-up with an answer. Should the conversation end here, leave them with a Gospel Presentation for further insights. This will get them ready for the next conversation.

5. Accept
Should the conversation continue and the Lord opens a door for you to ask the person to accept Jesus, then do so. Take the chance. This is where you want to be: in the position to ask a person to accept. You can either pray with the person, or explain the prayer so that they can pray it at home. Also, a Gospel Literature that contains a prayer can be provided as well. Should the person not accept yet, continue to ask and follow-up in their decision. There's no need to be forceful. Ask what is hindering them and see if you can explain why certain excuses won't work with God.

6. Gospel Literature
As mentioned in the previous step, a Gospel Literature will aid in a person praying the sinner's prayer at home. Also, the same Gospel Literature can be a main source for the person to extract more information that will help them in their decision to accept Christ. Sometimes, a person may feel ashamed to ask certain questions. Or after the conversation, new questions can develop and the person may not know where else to turn to. The Bible may be a bit overwhelming to open at first and the internet may be full of anti-Christian materials. Thus, a Gospel Literature can aid in providing more information, especially when they are alone with God.

Remember to do all things in love, patience, and in prayer. The more you talk about God, the Bible, and such, even though you may not have formally lead anyone to the Lord, you are still being a witness to the good things and character of God Jesus Christ. As you are challenged with tough questions, God is showing you which areas of learning you need. Practice in the mirror or converse with Christian friends. Ask them tough questions and see what answers you may find. The more you speak, the better you become.


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