One of the keys to victorious Christian living is to see yourself the way God sees you. If you see yourself as fearful, weak, and defeated, your words and actions will line up with your thoughts.
Seeing yourself as a successful soul winner is no exception. But how is that accomplished? By finding out what God’s Word says about being a soul winner, meditating on it, and making it your declaration, instead of what the devil is whispering in your ear.
Here is a partial list of what God has to say about you as a soul winner. Take the time to renew your mind with these Scriptures. Your mind is the battlefield, and the battle we are fighting for is souls.
Proverbs 11:30 Wise men win souls
Proverbs 24:11 Rescue the perishing
Ezekiel 3:18-21 Warn the wicked
Daniel 12:3 Soul winners shine like stars
Matthew 4:19 Fishers of men
Matthew 5:13 Salt of the earth
Matthew 5:14 The Light of world
Matthew 5:15 Don’t cover your light
Matthew 10:27 Proclaim it from housetops
Matthew 10:32 Confess Jesus before men
Matthew 22:9 Go invite anyone you find
Matthew 28:19 Go make disciples
Luke 10:2 Harvest plentiful; Laborers few
Luke 14:23 Compel them to come in
John 20:21 Jesus sends us into the world
John 15:27 You must testify
Acts 1:8 You shall be witnesses
Acts 26:17,18 Turn them from darkness to light
Luke 15:4 Leave the 99; Go for the lost one
Luke 24:47 Preach to all nations
II Corinthians 2:14 God’s knowledge spread through us
II Corinthians 5:11 We persuade men
II Corinthians 5:18 Ministers of reconciliation
II Corinthians 5:20 Ambassadors for Christ
Colossians 4:5 Make the most of every opportunity
II Timothy 4:12 Always be ready to preach
James 5:19 Turn them from error and death
I Peter 2:9 Priest proclaiming Jesus
Jude 23 Snatch them from the fire
Soul Winning Quote of the Month
“Evangelism is the only reason why time marches on.”
Author Unknown
Seeing yourself as a successful soul winner is no exception. But how is that accomplished? By finding out what God’s Word says about being a soul winner, meditating on it, and making it your declaration, instead of what the devil is whispering in your ear.
Here is a partial list of what God has to say about you as a soul winner. Take the time to renew your mind with these Scriptures. Your mind is the battlefield, and the battle we are fighting for is souls.
Proverbs 11:30 Wise men win souls
Proverbs 24:11 Rescue the perishing
Ezekiel 3:18-21 Warn the wicked
Daniel 12:3 Soul winners shine like stars
Matthew 4:19 Fishers of men
Matthew 5:13 Salt of the earth
Matthew 5:14 The Light of world
Matthew 5:15 Don’t cover your light
Matthew 10:27 Proclaim it from housetops
Matthew 10:32 Confess Jesus before men
Matthew 22:9 Go invite anyone you find
Matthew 28:19 Go make disciples
Luke 10:2 Harvest plentiful; Laborers few
Luke 14:23 Compel them to come in
John 20:21 Jesus sends us into the world
John 15:27 You must testify
Acts 1:8 You shall be witnesses
Acts 26:17,18 Turn them from darkness to light
Luke 15:4 Leave the 99; Go for the lost one
Luke 24:47 Preach to all nations
II Corinthians 2:14 God’s knowledge spread through us
II Corinthians 5:11 We persuade men
II Corinthians 5:18 Ministers of reconciliation
II Corinthians 5:20 Ambassadors for Christ
Colossians 4:5 Make the most of every opportunity
II Timothy 4:12 Always be ready to preach
James 5:19 Turn them from error and death
I Peter 2:9 Priest proclaiming Jesus
Jude 23 Snatch them from the fire
Soul Winning Quote of the Month
“Evangelism is the only reason why time marches on.”
Author Unknown